Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ways you know you've settled into a rural community....

So a few things have surfaced recently that forced me to take a step back and say, "Wow, I guess I've adjusted well in Pomeroy."

The 5 reasons that led me to believe I've truly become a member of the Pomeroy community:

1. The workers at the post office no longer ask me my P.O. Box number when I have a package.
2. When I walk into the coffee shop at Meyers (the hardware store), I find out I've been in debt $5.56 on my coffee card for weeks and still received drinks. I repaid my debt without a lawsuit.
3. At the grocery store, the cashier acknowledges that I took advantage of the produce sale. He then kids me that they have a few specials on meat, knowing I'm a vegetarian. After this laugh, he proceeds to ask if I want all of my items separated into individual plastic bags, also knowing I'm a tree-hugger.
4. Walking down the street, I frequently find my hand in the air waving to people more than simply swaying with rhythm by my side. Pretty soon, I'm going to start carrying hand weights so I can workout and be friendly.
5. I began driving less like a Masshole by obeying speed limits and stop signs, and refraining from honking at Sunday drivers which are often spotted on days ending in 'Y.'


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